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Read the full review at: Seen and Heard International
Read the full review : Nottingham Post
It was a hot and heady BBC Proms season this summer for the BBC Philharmonic, with the orchestra performing four very different concerts at the magnificent Royal Albert Hall in London.
A review by Marcus Karl Maroney for
‘The Messiaen Monster’, ridiculed by critics at its premiere—in the best tradition of works of genius—is now ‘established as one of the most astonishing classics of the twentieth century’, as Nigel Simeone writes in the booklet of this brilliant new release. The joyful generosity of the orchestral writing and kaleidoscopic nature of the musical invention make Turangalîla one of Messiaen’s most characteristic and appealing works, considered by many to be his masterpiece. As well as the distinctive sound of the ondes martenot, the other striking feature is the virtuoso piano part—it is in some ways a concerto, although the sheer scale of the orchestral contribution belies that specific title. Rarely has it been more explosively performed than here, with an acknowledged living master of Messiaen’s piano music, Steven Osborne, at the keyboard.
Reviews | Tracks
1 | Introduction [6’03] |
2 | Chant d’amour 1 [8’06] |
3 | Turangalîla 1 [5’49] |
4 | Chant d’amour 2 [10’24] |
5 | Joie du sang des étoiles [6’42] |
6 | Jardin du sommeil d’amour [12’41] |
7 | Turangalîla 2 [3’40] |
8 | Développement de l’amour [11’33] |
9 | Turangalîla 3 [4’32] |
10 | Final [7’30] |
Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa, Sociedad Coral de Bilbao, Juanjo Mena (conductor), Sardinero, Rodrigo, Sánchez.
GURIDI: El caserio (The Homestead)
NAXOS: Catalogue No: 8.557632
Ricardo Salaberria (baritone), Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa, Coral Andra Mari, Juanjo Mena (conductor)
NAXOS, catalogue No: 8.557629
1. Gaubela (Wake) 00:21:42
2. Eliza Bidean (Procession to the Church) 00:11:27
3. Illeta (Funeral) 00:12:19
4. Kanposantu Bidean (Procession to the Cemetery) 00:03:44
5. Eorzketa eta Azken Agurra (Burial and Final Farewell)
NAXOS, Catalogue No: 8.225240-41
1. Act I Scene 1: Ama! au bildurra! ikaraz nago… zergatik da gaiztoa (Andrea, Txiki) 00:07:05
2. Act I Scene 2: Zuaz, zuaz, gau illuna (Andrea) 00:03:20
3. Act I Scene 3: Semetxo maiteak, pozkidaz zaudete lenbiziko goiztarrak zeratelako (Juan Cruz, Andrea, Txiki) 00:01:39
4. Act I Scene 4: Birjina Ama! (Juan Cruz) 00:02:35
5. Act I Scene 5: La, la, la, la, la, la… (Kaiku, Juan Cruz) 00:04:29
6. Act I Scene 6: Artzai pizkorra: jo, jo zure sonu alai, bigun ta estiyak (Andrea, Kaiku, Juan Cruz) 00:04:24
7. Act I Scene 7: Aita jauna, kontu bat esango al didazu (Andrea, Kaiku) 00:04:11
8. Act I Scene 8: Mendi ganean neska polit bat! artzai gaztea! (Andrea, Joshe Mari) 00:00:33
9. Act I Scene 9: Gizona, nekez iritxi zera (Andrea, Joshe Mari) 00:01:49
10. Act I Scene 10: Begira, ementxen dezu Andrea (Kaiku, Andrea, Gaizto) 00:01:39
11. Act I Scene 11: Bakarrik gaude, Andrea (Gaizto, Andrea) 00:04:58
12. Act I Scene 12: Zuaz, zuaz, eramanzazu ori. Agur mendiko paketasuna (Juan Cruz) 00:02:24
13. Act II Scene 1: Alare! zorioneko lekua! (Joshe Mari) 00:05:15
14. Act II Scene 2: Zerbait eztutzen zaite, Andrea (Juan Cruz, Andrea) 00:02:32
15. Act II Scene 3: Zer egiten oten du Joshe Mari (Andrea, Txiki) 00:03:09
16. Act II Scene 4: Korrika trator, Andrea zakurrak alde ontara datoz otsuen arrazurakin (Joshe Mari, Andrea, Txiki) 00:00:47
17. Act II Scene 5: Guazen aitonari deitutzera (Andrea, Txiki, Joshe Mari, Juan Cruz, Kaiku) 00:04:05
1. Act III: Introduction 00:02:18
2. Act III Scene 1: Korrika, bide txigorretatik erronierira etorrigera (Chorus) 00:09:50
3. Act III Scene 2: Ez zuazela, Andrea; itz egin nai nizuke (Joshe Mari, Andrea, Chorus) 00:09:12
4. Act III Scene 3: Bein bakarrik nai izando maitatu; bein bakarrik… (Gaizto) 00:02:07
5. Act III Scene 4: Gaizto: zu alzera (Joshe Mari, Gaizto) 00:02:43
6. Epilogue: Sinfonia 00:03:43
7. Epilogue, Scene 1: Ementxen zan; iturritxo onen onean, zenbat amoriyo atzo (Andrea) 00:02:49
8. Epilogue, Scene 2: Andrea, Andrea: nun zera goizeki ordu obetan (Juan Cruz, Andrea, Txiki) 00:07:14
Total Playing Time: 01:34:50