Egilearen artxiboa: Georgina Williamson

“The audience was suitably dazzled” after Juanjo Mena’s last concert of the season

Juanjo Mena’s busy 2014-15 season came to a close last week with Messiaen’s Turangalîla Symphony at the BBC Proms, which was “exhuberantly performed” by the BBC Philharmonic. You can listen to John Foulds’ “Three Mantras” here, and Messiaen’s Turangalîla Symphony here.

You can read the full online reviews here:

Frances Wilson, Bachtrack

Bernard Hughes, The Arts Desk


“The audience was suitably dazzled” after Juanjo Mena’s last concert of the season

Escuchen la representación de ‘Fidelio’ de Beethoven por la BBC Philharmonic

Juanjo Mena led the BBC Philharmonic in a high-voltage performance of Beethoven’s only opera at Manchester’s Bridgewater Hall, and the concert was greeted with highly favourable reviews.  You can listen to the performance on BBC Radio 3 at 14:00 UK time on Thursday 21st May, and it will be available here until 21st June.

You can read the full reviews here:

The Guardian, Tim Ashley

Manchester Evening News, Robert Beale

Bachtrack, Andrew King

Escuchen la representación de ‘Fidelio’ de Beethoven por la BBC Philharmonic

Juanjo Mena al frente de la Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal: “Tchaïkovski comme des grands!”

“Algo ocurrió en la Maison Symphonique el jueves por la tarde… los músicos [de la Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal] estaban en manos del director vasco Juanjo Mena, quien impuso una visión dionisiaco de la 5a Sinfonía de Tchaikovski, que todo el mundo estaba esperando”.

“Digo con toda sinceridad que no recuerdo una interpretación comparable de la OSM en la Maison Symphonique”.

(Christophe Huss, Le Devoir)

Se puede leer la crítica completa en francés aquí.

“Fine Cleveland Orchestra debuts by conductor Juanjo Mena and violinist Alina Ibragimova light up Sibelius-Schoenberg bill”

“Mena led an intense and balanced performance, allowing each facet of Sibelius’ argument to present itself as if it were a naturally occurring phenomenon, and maintaining good control without overdriving the music. The orchestra played with commitment and an ample measure of warmth and sonic richness that made this concert opener especially satisfying.”

“Mena rose to the occasion, holding it all together without sacrificing the organic unfolding of the tone poem’s narrative.”

“The result was a first-rate performance that deserved more than the polite applause that a somewhat restless audience gave it.”

(Mark Satola,

“Juanjo Mena and Alina Ibragimova make exhilharating debuts with The Cleveland Orchestra”

“There were three big works on the program and conductor, soloist and orchestra were a good match for all of them.”

(Timothy Robson, Bachtrack)

“Juanjo Mena led The Cleveland Orchestra in a lustrous and well-paced excursion through Schoenberg’s score, terracing its climaxes and relaxing its pace to let dozens of lyrical solos shine through.”

(Daniel Hathaway,

Se puede leer las críticas completas aquí:

Mark Satola,

Timothy Robson, Bachtrack

Daniel Hathaway, Cleveland Classical

“Fine Cleveland Orchestra debuts by conductor Juanjo Mena and violinist Alina Ibragimova light up Sibelius-Schoenberg bill”