Juanjo Menak arrakastaz itxi du Los Angeles Philharmonic-aren denboraldia

(Español) Tras su primer debut con la Filarmónica de Los Angeles en 2011, Juanjo Mena ha vuelto este año para dirigir el concierto de fin de temporada en el Walt Disney Concert Hall.

2011. urtean Los Angeles Philharmonicarekin debuta egin ostean, Juanjo Mena aurten itzuli da denboraldi bukaerako kontzertua Walt Disney Concert Hall-ean zuzentzera. Pasa den maiatzak 30-an ospatu zen kontzertuak harrera ona izan zuen prentsa eta entzuleen aldetik, eta Mozart eta Brahms-en piezak interpretatu zituzten.

Los Angeles Times-ek adibidez, ondokoa idatzi zuen:

“Juanjo Mena made his Los Angeles Philharmonic debut at the Hollywood Bowl in 2011. Clearly he was good enough to get a return engagement, so Mena, now 47, went indoors Thursday night and led some very impressive Mozart and Brahms in Walt Disney Concert Hall to close the 2012-13 season. (…) For Mozart’s Symphony No. 40, Mena – again working without a score – produced a markedly different texture, velvety yet clear, with the right voices brought forth at the right times, the emotion in the music pouring out without exaggeration. No matter how many times one has heard the symphony’s opening melody, Mena’s shaping made it sound fresh and moving again – and that’s a real achievement”.

Kritika osoa irakurri daiteke hemen: Los Angeles Times.

Argazki originala: Ricardo DeAratanha, Los Angeles Times.